Farm Life Fitness offers online professional health and wellness support, providing lifestyle coaching for rural Queensland businesses.
Prior to engaging with the Digital Solutions program, owner Louise O’Neill said one of the challenges she faced was knowing how to make the most of her social media accounts and ways to encourage traffic onto her website.
Utilising one to one advisory and interactive online webinars, Louise received expert support to point her in the right direction. “I benefited a lot from the program including the affordable cost of the program and it helped lower my overhead cost” Louise said of how Digital Solutions advisory helped her overcome previous challenges.
Through the program, Louise met advisor Clinton Begg and with his help, she was able to gain further accountability and get in touch with the right people for her business. “Clinton is great, he is straight to the point and helped me resolve many of my issues” Louise said.
On what she liked most about the program, the program is easy to use and the website is very accessible. There are variety of topics to access and overall is a great program.
“It is still in the early days, however Clinton has helped me to enhance my social media accounts, including standardisation of my logo across the various platforms. My Instagram profile looks more professional now and I have gained confidence to share my social media pages with others” Louise said.